Eviction Services

Eviction Services

Eviction Services in Cincinnati, OH

Emergency Dumpster Services now offers eviction sit-out and 24 hours post eviction trash removal services. We have partnered with some of the largest property owners and property managers to help regain their property from individuals that have not paid their rent or mortgage on time. 

How the process works:

Step 1:

You must have court ordered paperwork with date and time of the eviction.

Step 2:

Day 1 of eviction: We will meet with the bailiff and provide labor and materials to conduct eviction sit-out.

Step 3:

Day 2 of eviction: After 24 hours has passed, we will come back to the property with our company owned dumpsters and dispose of all trash left behind from the eviction sit-out.

Emergency Dumpster Service will provide the property owner with before and after photos via email once the job has been completed to keep for their records.

Please fill out the information below if you would like to request our services for an eviction sit out.

Contact Us

Please Note: Emergency Dumpster Services will not provide eviction sit-out services for anyone that does not have the proper court ordered paperwork or if sheriff/bailiff is not on site during the eviction process.

How the payment process works for evictions:

The payment process for evictions are solely time and material based.

There is no magical way to estimate how much stuff a person has in your property prior to entering, therefore we do not provide firm price estimates on what the eviction will cost.

There is a $500 deposit to start all apartment evictions and a $700 deposit to start all home evictions. If the eviction ends up costing less than the deposit amount, the difference shall be refunded.

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